Year 2 – St Joseph 2024 - 2025

Class Saint - St Joseph

Picture 4.jpgBelongCommitted LoveFaithJoy

"I come that they may have life, and have life to the full" - John  10:10

Welcome to Year 2

Hello and a very warm welcome!

Here you will find information about the themes we are teaching, curriculum and other important information.

Follow us on twitter to see what we have been learning about.


Follow us @HolyRosaryY2

Meet the Year 2 staff 


Miss Park

Class teacher


Class Information

Here is a list of useful information for parents of children in Year 2:

  • Our school day starts at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm. Children are welcome into the classroom from 8:30am to take part in extra reading time.
  • Our PE ready days are Tuesday and Friday – please send your child to school in their PE kit on that day.
  • Please provide your child with their own water bottle.
  • Reading books and reading records need to be brought into school every day.