Our Prayer Intentions
Our Prayer Intentions
Prayer is an essential part of our day in school and we know that children gain great comfort from dedicating prayers in times of need. We have therefore set up this page for you to send in prayer dedications that we can include in our daily prayers.
Please remember these in your prayers
Shared with love by Holy Rosary Family & Community

❤️We pray for Mrs Lomas, a loving member of our Holy Rosary family. Please may she watch over us.
Holy Rosary Family
❤️Mrs Lomas because I want her to not be sad that she is not with us and I want her to be happy in heaven. And my mom so that she will not have to stress again.
Esther Osayaba Ufumwen Igbinigie
❤️Praying for wisdom and blessings to my family
Royale Garirwi
❤️For good health
Issac Rahman
❤️I pray for a healthy life for myself, friends and family and peace around the world.
Humayl Qudratullah
❤️People that are in war because every time is see people telling me to pray for them
Brighton Ekhator Igbinidu
❤️Family because we need people to look after us care for us comfort us and speak with us
Daniel Okene
❤️ My parents and my siblings to be the best friends whenever I need a comforter because they are my family. For Me Uyi to be the best in my education and achieve my dreams in Jesus name because I want to be the best in my life. Prayer for God’s wisdom, knowledge, understanding, good health and peace because God’s peace passes all understanding in Jesus name. I will always meet the best teachers that will help me successful in my education journey and character development in Jesus name.
Uyiwe Osawe
❤️Please prayer for my grandfather, because he is sick
Nikolas Costache
❤️Dennis and Joy at my church. Dennis is having cancer treatment and is quite poorly.
Harvey Hoy
❤️For family's friends and our world
The Sanders Family

❤️We pray for Mrs Santoro who was one of our Goverors. She made an incredible Impression on us all.
Holy Rosary Family
❤️We recently lost my dad/the girls grandad at Christmas and would love to pray that time will heal. Also happy, health and wellness for the whole family and good mental health.
The Jordan Family
❤️Pray for mummy and daddy
Treasure Osagie
❤️Emily's grandads who sadly passed away 😢
Emily McFall
❤️Praying for wisdom, blessings and God's grace upon my family
Rayden Garirwi
❤️Good health and mind for me and my brothers
Isaiah Rahman
❤️Pray for David s mom she s not feel weel, Pray for David God to help him to improve his speech
David Ciriblan
❤️For my mummy and daddy and also for my grandparents . May God keep them safe and in good health. Amen.
Luiza Grobelny
❤️More knowledge and understanding for her
Najaat Oreniwa

❤️We pray for Mrs Young, Mrs Cavanagh's mum. We are sure she is smiling down on us.
Mrs Cavanagh
❤️I would like you to pray for my children, Aniela and Filip. They both, will start soon new chapter in their lives.
Aniela Marcisz
❤️We would like to pray for all Zakariyas grandparents, so they will have good health and long life.xx
Zakariya Sheikh
❤️Spiritual guidance in the Holy Spirits presence so they don't fall prey to the worldly perceptions of life but Christian way of life as Christ has prescribed by Heavens decree.
Panashe Masangwi
❤️Homeless people because they are sitting in the beer floor and they are begging in famous shops
Berit Ekhator Igbinidu
❤️Prayer for the school and the children's and the teachers health and wellbeing
Honest Osarenmwindamwen Igbineweka
❤️Family because we need love and peace in each other and so we have someone that will support us
Jeff Okene
❤️Spiritual guidance in the Holy Spirits presence so they don't fall prey to the worldly perceptions of life but Christian way of life as Christ has prescribed by Heavens decree
Tanatswa Masangwi
❤️Grandma Meryl Grandad Bill Great uncle Phillip For being our angels in the sky
Joseph Mccormick