Year 2 – St Joseph: News items
Date: 26th Sep 2024 @ 4:18pm
During the month of October, as part of our Catholic faith, we celebrate and remember Mary our Mother. As part of this celebration, we will be hosting a Rosary Club each morning at 8.30am in the school Chapel during the month of October, beginning on Tuesday 1st October..
If you would like your child to be part of this time of prayer and reflection please drop them off at their class room at 8.30am and they will be taken to the Chapel where they will be met by Mr. Drake.
Date: 17th Sep 2024 @ 1:13pm
Welcome Back - Please find attached our school Newsletter with information about the Autumn term and its events.
Remember to keep visitng the News and Events section to see some of the celebrations of these events as they happen.
Mrs Cavanagh
Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 9:56am
Thank you to those who attended our Art exhibition. We hope you enjoyed it.
Feedback from both children and parents was hugely positive and the event was a real celebration of our children's creativity. We look forward to repeating this again next year.
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 2:09pm
What a week! Sport week has been a great success and thank you to those parents who joined us for sports day this morning. God has been looking down and sent us brilliant weather. The children have been full of life and thoroughly enjoyed it.
The week has been filled with football tournaments, yoga, Jiu Jitsu, laser, tag, dodgeball, and has ended with a brilliant sports day.
As part of sports day, our children created flags for the class seats. These represented their class logos. I’m sure you’ll agree they did a fantastic job
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 2:20pm
Well done to our 2 school Spelling Bee finalists. They attended the final today and were a credit to Holy Rosary. Well Done. #lifetothefull
Date: 17th Jun 2024 @ 10:19am
We started our week this week with an assembly to explore the theme of National Schools Sports Week. We talked to the children about not only using physical activities for our physical health but also to support our Mental health. We then introduced our activities for the week and how these would support us in our Misson statement of living life to the full.
Date: 17th Jun 2024 @ 10:01am
On Thursday 11th June, Mr Handley co-ordinated our school Spelling Bee heats. Here children across the school, competed against each other to be their class spelling Bee champion. They then went on to compete against the winner of other classes and this gave us a final school winner and runner-up.
Our 1st place winner was Olaf in Year 3 and Humayl in Year 6 was our runner-up.
Both children will be attending the Inter-school final on Wednesday 19th June at the Mayoral chambers, Oldham.
Well done to all who joined in and GOOD LUCK - we will keep you updated.
Date: 17th Jun 2024 @ 9:43am
After a hugely successful Holy Rosary Bake off, we hosted our Father's day coffee morning. During the morning, we sang songs as a thank you to all our dads and those who take on similar roles. Whilst we sang, parents, and most importantly dads, were able to relax and enjoy a coffee and a cake.
Thank you to those who helped organise this and also those who were able to join us.
Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 3:24pm
Miss Warsap planned International Children’s day with a focus on children’s rights. Children focused their day around a picture book called “Every Child a Song”. This was followed up by engaging in activities in class. The children made birds as symbols from the story. If you get chance to come into school, look for the Children's Rights signs on display.
Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 3:32pm
The theme for Mental Health Week this year was “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”. The children had a great time and definitely made time to move. Mrs Green and our sports leader got the children outside to explore strategies they could use when they are finding things tough,
Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 3:34pm
On Wednesday 8th May, we celebrated together the Month of May which is dedicated to our patron Mary. The children brought flowers to school and the Faith team led us in a special reflection. This was followed by a procession around school as we sang a song to Mary and crowned her.
Thank you to all those who brought flowers to honour her.
Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 9:48am
As a school, we are getting ready for the Olympics due to be held in Paris later in 2024. This is, as always an exciting event and one which we love to celebrate together.
In conjunction with Get Set ( our PE scheme provider ), we are embarking on a virtual tour of Paris, visiting many locations along the way. Each class has their own team and when the children complete a physical activity in school, they log this on the Get Set to Paris app with their QR code and unique code. Each activity converts to miles and each class's team bus moves along its journey around 16 countries to get to the Paris Olympics. Each week in assembly, we celebrate how far each class has travelled and set challenges for the week - we have even introduced a staff team.
As the children have engaged with this so well, they have asked about logging activities they do out of school either as a team or even with their family. As a result, we have set up a "Holy Rosary Families" Team. We ask that any time you do any form of activity, you scan the QR code in the poster or visit
Here you will submit your activity under the team Holy Rosary Families and input the code 0944, it will be converted to miles and your team bus will be on its way. we will share its progress on Twitter X @HRsport and in our weekly assembly.
Each week we will also send home activities for you to try as a family in case you run out of ideas or are looking for inspiration.
Good Luck !!!
Let's see who can reach Paris first.
Mrs Cavanagh
Date: 21st Apr 2024 @ 9:28pm
This week, those children who have been trained as sports leaders, got together to plan out activities for the playground in support of active lifestyles. They considered which activities they know worked well and tried to be creative in planning out things all children could access, These have now been timetabled and the children will use their leadership skills to help others get active at playtime.
Date: 21st Apr 2024 @ 9:19pm
The Laudato Si ambassadors have been developing their skills and increasing their knowledge of how to care for God's creation with the help of the experts at Wildbrook Community Allotment. They got to learn about the best ways to plant and how living things have an effect on how things grow in certain environments. The children brought their knowledge back and are using this to shape their own next steps.
Visit the Laudato Si webpage, under CATHOLIC LIFE to find out more.....
International day of happiness Prayer stations day
Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 10:06am
Wednesday 20th March was International day of happiness. In school, we used this day to hold a prayer stations day and link our happiness to prayer and scripture. All the children spent time engaging in the prayer stations and it was great to see parents join us for these activities at the end of the day.
Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 10:00am
On Friday, the 8th of March, we hosted our Mother's Day Big Breakfast. It was lovely to see so many families join us to celebrate all those "mums" who help us. The event was really well attended and money raised will be donated to the Alzheimer's Society.
Thank you to Mrs Dootson and Mrs Taylor for organising the event and to all school staff who helped put their plan in place.
St Joseph's Penny Sponsored event
Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 9:56am
On Friday, the 8th of March, we hosted our St Joseph's Penny sponsored event. During the day, the children in school had to see how many times they could bounce a balloon into the air without dropping it. This was to raise money for our Lenten Appeal. Each year, during Lent, we organise a Lenten Appeal to support the Diocesan charity St. Joseph’s Penny. St. Joseph’s Penny supports needy children in our own Diocese and allows our children to help other children in Jesus’ name during Lent.
The children had a great amount of fun whilst raising money for a good cause. See class Twitter pages for more photographs.
We will update you at the end of term with our final amount.
Thank you for your support with this event.
Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 10:08am
Headstories was the theme of our World Book Day this year with children invited to wear something on their head to represent a story. The children certainly rose to the occasion and there were some fantastic creations. The children were also invited to story time after school and it was great to see so many parents join us.
For those who could not attend, we shared a daily masked reader where children could listen to an online story read by an adult at school. Did you manage to guess who read the stories?
Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 10:33am
Super proud to announce we have recieved an Attendance Award for school attendance during Autumn Term
Well Done to you all - a superb achievement of which we are really proud.
Keep it up !
Date: 26th Jan 2024 @ 1:52pm
Holy Rosary Weekly Update - 26th January 2024
News events
Each week, News events will not be added to a lengthy newsletter but posted in the new section of the website. This can be found on the homepage by scrolling down. If you managed to visit the website calendar last week, you will see it's underneath.
To access the website, visit
This Week:Thank you to those parents who joined us for our Stay and Pray and our Prayer stations day. Parent response was really positive and it was great to invite parents into school to join in prayer. Next Week:Tuesday 30th January - Dodgeball @ Hathershaw - Invited children will be attending to compete against other local schools Wednesday 31st January - Parent lunch for Year 3 & 6 On 31st January 2024, parents of children in Year 3 & 6 have been invited to join their children for lunch. Parents must have booked this in advance and are asked to be at school for 12.45pm. We may not be able to admit late arrivals. We hope you enjoy! |
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Friday 2nd January - Number Day
On Friday 2nd February, we will be taking part in the NSPCC’s National Number Day alongside thousands of schools and nurseries across the UK. Across school, children will be taking part in a range of exciting maths activities, whilst raising money and awareness for the services provided by the NSPCC; these include Speak Out, Stay Safe and ChildLine.
As part of National Number Day, children are encouraged to ‘Dress up for Digits’. This means wearing something with a number on. This could be a something they already own such as a t-shirt or cap, or get creative and design their own clothing; some examples include becoming a human calculator or a dice. Please do not feel the need to purchase anything.
To support the work of the NSPCC, we ask that, where possible, a small donation is brought in with your child on this day.
World Religions Prayer Station Day
Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 2:23pm
World Religions Prayer Station Day
On Wednesday 24th January, we had a prayer Station day in school. During this day, the children engaged in activities related to World Relgions with a focus on prayer and beliefs. The children were incredibly respectful and this was a great way for some children who are not Catholic, to share their beliefs with their friends. We were also joined at the end of the day by parents who enaged in prayer alongside their children.
Weekly News - 18th January 2024
Date: 21st Jan 2024 @ 12:11pm
Holy Rosary Weekly Update - 12th January 2024
News events
Each week, News events will not be added to a lengthy newsletter but posted in the new section of the website. This can be found on the homepage by scrolling down. If you managed to visit the website calendar last week, you will see it's underneath.
This week, the children who attended the Archery event at Hathershaw came First place - Visit our News section on on the website's home page to see photographs of the event.
To access the website, visit
Next Week:Monday 22nd January - Thursday 25th January Next week the Faith team are delivering stay and pray sessions at 3 pm each. Parents are invited to join their children in class in a short prayer session. These are : Monday - Year 5 & 6 Tuesday - Foundation Stage Wednesday - Year 3 & 4 Thursday - Year 1 & 2 Tuesday 23rd January - Dodgeball @ Hathershaw - Invited children will be attending to compete against other local schools Wednesday 24th January - Prayer Stations Event On 24th January, we are hosting a "World Religion Prayer Station Day" in school. We are inviting parents to come to school at 3.15 pm to take part in the prayer stations with their child/children. This is a time to be quiet and reflective in prayer whilst thinking about other religions and how they celebrate prayer. |
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Friday 26th January - School Council event
On Friday, 2 of our school council members will be meeting together to talk about issues that they are working on in their schools and look at ways of supporting each other.
We have our parent's lunch for parents of children in Years 3 & 6 on 31st January. if you wish to attend, please ensure you book via school money/Eduspot.- Monday 22nd January is the last day for booking.
Date: 17th Jan 2024 @ 9:21am
Archery Event
On Tuesday 17th January, a group of children from Key Stage 2 attended Hathershaw College to take part in an Archery competition. Despite the bad weather, the children still attended and did amazingly well.
The children were awarded 1st place and returned to school with a trophy and medals !!! Well Done - we are super proud.